
That's my Daughter in the Water

There is a song that Jim and I heard just about the time we found out we were having a girl. Please listen to the lyrics as they are important to us. It is called "Daughter" by Loudon Wainwright III.

Now, to preface this post, I must strongly insist that I am not a mommy that ever leaves her child alone, especially near a bath. I was gathering her after-bath supplies [diapers, clothing, lotion, comb, etc] and went to turn off the running water in the bathroom. This is the sight that greeted me upon my return.

Yes, my friends. Sophie GOT INTO THE BATH. WITH ALL HER CLOTHES ON. BY HERSELF. That would be my daughter. In the water.
This whole walking thing has gone to Sophie's head I fear.


  1. Haha. Funny. :) She was like "Mom! I'm not waiting any longer, I wanna play with my duckies!"
