
Breaking News: The Cuteness sighted!

THIS JUST IN! We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you this important bulletin. The elusive creature that is The Cuteness has been sighted again. Reports are coming in that this time she has been seen in and around Seattle, WA. Authorities confirm that witnesses have, in fact, seen The Cuteness, and strongly insist she is not dangerous, nor should caution be exercised if confronted. In fact, physical contact is suggested and encouraged. She has responded well in the past with hugs and kisses. There is video evidence of one sighting, shot by an Adrienne Lutz aka Mama from Bellevue, WA. The video footage of the incident you are about to see is unedited and raw.

Now back to your regularly scheduled program. Stay tuned as we keep up with this important story, more at 11.


  1. Wow! I can't believe you found one of these - they're so rare now-a-days! ;)

  2. She is so cute and adorable!!
