
Twinkle, Twinkle again

Every day she gets better and better at singing it! Here she is watching her one twenty-minute video ("Your Baby can Read") of television she gets a day. She's REALLY into music and especially singing. She demands a song about every. three. minutes. And as soon as you're finished "Again." (Notice, it was NOT a question.) It's cute the first three (hundred) times. We make her say please, so it's not as obnoxious as it could be. Plus, it's not like she's asking for a certain cartoon character that is an explorer or a sponge that lives in a pineapple under the sea. Television is more about quality vs quantity. If she does watch television, it's high quality stuff. I'm not saying Spongebob or Dora is bad per se (I actually love Spongebob!) but she's not even two yet. When she's older (i.e. in about 10 years) and she wants to watch it, she can. Sorry, rant over! Let's get on with the cute shall we?

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