
Sophie-isms, Part 2

As Sophie is growing up, she sometimes talks like a teenager, but then sometimes she messes things up. Which is adorable. Here are a few examples I wanted to jot down for posterity.

Lately, her favorite movie is 'Cinderella.' To her, the Fairy Godmother is the "Very Godmother."

To her, Old Navy is "Old Maybe."

If she sees someone in a scuba mask, she calls them a "scuba driver."

Sophie loves to rough house with Daddy. These are called "jumping games" usually.

Sometimes Sophie knows what she wants, when she wants it. She is very matter-of-fact sometimes. We try to explain that it not how it works and that it's "incorrect."
"Well, I want it to be out-correct."

She is really creative, and I love how she comes up with some of the most random things. Today we saw a dog limping outside. I asked her what she thought happened to the dog. "He probably was eating his food and bonked his head on the door in the kitchen." So random and so funny!

Sometimes she'll drop a grape or something, and it will land on her dress. She likes to say, "Nice catch, Dress!"

If Sophie does something nice for someone, she likes to think "they'll be so impressed!"

About a month ago in London, Sophie got the chicken pox. And, whenever we went on the tube, we played a game matching rhyming words. "COCKS RHYMES WITH POX!" she shouted. *facepalm*

Mommy likes to eat "beef turkey" instead of beef jerky as a snack.

Garlic bread is "garley bread."

Sorry, a little TMI, but sometimes it takes her a while to go to the bathroom. If that happens, she tells us that her "poop is putting on his shoes."

If we're eating dinner and a blueberry rolls of the table onto the floor, she tells us "he wanted to go to the beach." So do we, Sophie-belle. So do we! 

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