
New toys and experiences, part 2

Sophie is getting so big and agile! She can sit up unassisted for long periods of time. She's also having solids twice a day for breakfast and lunch. We're going to start her on finger foods early next week. It's really amazing to see how much has changed and how she is growing into a little person each day. It is exciting to see her learn about and experience the world around her. We love being parents!

Here is a short video of Sophie enjoying the bubbles we got her for the first time:

Sophie new absolute favorite thing to do is bounce in her jumper that she got from Grandma and Grandpa Lutz. She's finally old and strong enough to use it. Last time we were home, she was too little. Not anymore!

On a side note, I've been experimenting in the kitchen. I made s'more cupcakes (dark chocolate cake with graham cracker bottoms and marshmallow topping) and tiramisu cupcakes (angel food cake with cream cheese frosting with raspberries). We brought them to site yesterday and they put them out at intermission. Jim said they disappeared in minutes...but he is a REALLY nice guy! :]

1 comment:

  1. i LOVED those raspberry cupcakes! YUM. would you please send me the recipe, or is it top secret? :)
