
Transfer week

So last week we packed everything up and headed home to MI for the obligatory "showing off" of Sophie. We saw just about everyone we could think of to see, and it was wonderful but tiring! I almost need a vacation from the vacation! We saw family on both sides, friends from college and their babies, my cousin's wedding, etc! It really was crazy but fantastic to see everyone! One of the highlights was when Sophie ate sweet peas picked fresh from Grandma Lutz's garden. We have photographic evidence that they were enjoyed tremendously! (She even grabbed the spoon from my hand and tried feeding herself. Apparently Mommy moves too slowly!)

One of the highlights of spending time with Grandpa and Grandma Mallory was when we went to Michael's for some craft items and saw a display of funny hats and glasses. Mommy couldn't resist. I think I'll save these for her date on prom night someday.

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