
Such a big girl!

Sophie is really getting to be such a grown-up! She eats organic baby food three times a day (a 2 fruit and a 2 vegetable at each meal). Her favorites are carrot/tomato, green beans/rice blueberry/apple and sweet potato. She also enjoys eating Yo Baby organic baby yogurt! She can't get enough of the stuff! So far, we've only had luck once with a 3 food, which was actually a soup. Anything chunky and we have to change her bib. :[ We've tried finger foods before each meal, as she is really getting the pincer grasp down, but once it's in her hand she really doesn't know what to do with it. If she does manage to put it in her mouth, it's a disaster. So we're just taking it one day at a time. As far as crawling, she wants to move, but hasn't quite figured out that she has to pick up her belly and she'll actually get somewhere. I try showing her, but she just laughs! She can scoot and change direction, but nothing more. Honestly, I'm okay with setting her down and having her be in the same place (or close to it) when I return. It's difficult here with the wood floors, so all the tummy time has to be in the bedroom. Her favorite way of getting around (besides being close to daddy when he carries her) is pushing off when she is on her back. She can move! Beware when changing her diaper. The only thing that keeps her in one spot, believe it or not, is the tube of Butt Paste that she holds and plays with! By the way, we're using gDiapers almost exclusively now. I love them! They're cute, stylish and great for the environment. (They're biodegradable and you can compost them too!) We use disposable diapers very rarely, like if we know we're going to be gone a long time and there may not be strong toilets to flush the liners.

Here is a recent picture I snapped while having fun in Babies R Us, trying on hats and such. Look at her teeth!:

On a side note, I've been part of the Desperate Cirque Wives Club and for each of our gatherings, I baked and decorated cupcakes. Here is a sampling!

Beach cupcakes with blue frosting and graham cracker "sand", paper umbrellas and button sandals

Tye-die mini cupcakes

Movie-night mini popcorn cupcakes with marshmallow "popcorn"

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